Elemental Gearbolt

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 19/01/2014
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 00:56:57
File Size: 689.47 MB (706019.53 KB)
Downloads: 586 downloads
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Player's Review

A great anime-style rail shooter with awesome music.


The events of the game are framed through the character of Tagami (a secret character in Shikigami no Shiro, another title developed by Alfa System), a mysterious figure who travels to the world in which the game is set long after the main events conclude in order to investigate what caused the world's destruction. Tagami relives the tragedy of the Elemental Gearbolt incident.

Before the Elemental Gearbolt incident, the world was home to two races, Audo and Sulunkan. The Sulunkan, descendants of a fallen magical empire, were oppressed by the Audo. There are secret resistance groups, but none strong enough to challenge the powerful Audo ruling class. Destiny is set in motion when Nell and Seana, the Sugiku (half breed) daughters of a resistance leader, meet Bel Cain, the Sugiku son of the selfish King Jabugal. Nell and Bel Cain promise to meet again, but other circumstances interfere.

Years later, Bel Cain becomes crown prince, full of ambition to end the bitter class struggle. Armed with advanced technology, he starts a campaign of conquest. Meanwhile, Nell and Seana join the Sulunkan resistance, only to be killed. Their bodies are taken back to the capital city as trophies. At the same time, one of Bel Cain's technologies, a Neural Network Computer comprising human brains, malfunctions and initiates a self-destruct sequence. It links powerful weapons known as Holy Guns to Nell and Seana's corpses, re-animating them as Elementals. They have only one purpose - seek and destroy the Network. Bel Cain stands in the Elementals' path, unaware of the actions of the Network; never anticipating his impending reunion and inevitable battle with Nell and Seana.

48:01 Library bonus content