Titan Wars (Solar Eclipse)

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 31/03/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 02:34:59
File Size: 2101.75 MB (2152192.00 KB)
Downloads: 455 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Sequel to Total Eclipse this is a direct port taken from the Saturn game Solar Eclipse otherwise known as Titan wars in the Euro region which is the only place play this game on PlayStation.

This game is a lot like the previous Total Eclipse but the controls have been made a lot less sensitive although it is still difficult to aim. There are no separate tunnel sequences as you just fly between surface and caverns now with the odd asteroid battle as you travel to the different colonies. The game has FMV story and any game featuring Claudia Christian making the game automatically great.

The game allows you to roll the ship again, but as their is no score to be gain it doesn't serve much purpose other than for the final level where you need to line up with the door hatches. This game also allows you to switch to cockpit mode which I show for a few mid levels. It does however seem to limit my field of view so I prefer to play in chase view. There is also plenty of comms chatter going on during play although I don't always follow their advice in case they are steering me away from some nice powerups. Speaking of powerups, the Shield refill is probably the most important and has a habit of spawning 2-3 of them when you have not had to face any combat and limiting them when you have faced some real tough parts. I like the auto lock-on beams as they go after stuff I have not seen yet and I really dislike the guidable as it blocks my view and is not easy to guide while avoiding other enemy fire. I misuse the spread rocket, but it works much better at killing stuff directly in front of me rather than detonating it where I think the enemy is in the distance.

The levels become really long towards the end and everything was going well until the final boss at the end of the game. Instead of transforming to its final form it just automatically explodes killing me with near full shields. It was not possible to dodge this so I have to take him down twice.

00:00:00 Intro + Mission 1: Janus
00:14:58 - Mission 2:Hyperion
00:28:10 - Mission 3: Tethys
00:41:06 - Mission 4: Dione
00:55:05 - Mission 5: Rhea
01:08:45 - Mission 6: Enceladus
01:22:42 - Mission 7: Phoebe
01:39:35 - Mission 8: Titan

After the credits, the game gives a code to play a level featuring the game developers. After I have shown this I use cheat codes to show the other bonus levels. I have no idea if they can be unlocked in normal play or not maybe taking a specific route or beating the bosses in a specific time limit. These bonus levels allow you do collect a lot of lives to take with you into the game and they do end rather abruptly.

I list the cheats to access them as I cant find them on any site, just the Saturn ones so they are slightly different. They all start by Pausing the game and entering Right, Down, Down, Left.

02:08:08 - Heads Up! Production team level. (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square, Triangle).
02:12:10 - Le Chowder level (Triangle, Down, Down, Up, right, Circle)
02:13:05 - Off World Level (Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Right)
02:15:15 - UnderSea level (Start, Up, Cross)
02:18:08 - Fade To Black (L1, Triangle, R1, R1, triangle)
02:19:45 - House Hunt (Triangle, Square, Right, Down)
02:21:14 - Still Tripping (Cross, Square, Right, Start)
02:24:03 - Frost Byte (Cross, Up, Right, Right)
02:28:08 - Horde (Circle, Up, Down)
02:30:43 - Corkscrew Level (Start, Circle, Right, Up)
02:33:24 - The Trench (Right, Right, Down, Down)