D, developed by Warp Inc and published by Aklaim in 1995.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 07/04/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 01:24:25
File Size: 484.69 MB (496324.00 KB)
Downloads: 551 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

From wiki "The game begins when Laura Harris is contacted by Los Angeles police, receiving a disturbing message: her father, Dr. Richter Harris, has gone on a mass murdering spree and barricaded himself in the hospital. Laura rushes to the scene of the crime, desperate to find an explanation for the well-respected doctor's actions. Upon entering the hospital, she is so horrified at the murdered bodies lying about the halls that she covers her eyes. When she uncovers them again in the 3DO version, she finds herself in an unknown dark castle. In later versions of the game, she is still in the hospital and explores further, until taken by a small metallic entity to the castle".

Also an interesting side note "D began production in 1994 for the 3DO console. With use of only three Amiga computers, WARP was able to harness impressive 3D visuals."

So this is the playstation port of the game. The videos are largely uncompressed taking up 3 cd's and have not transferred all that well looking blocky and over sharpened.

I have set out to complete with the full 100% good ending which included finding the 4 hidden memories (beetles). At the end of the video I show the bad ending and also the bad ending for running out of time. The time limit is 2 hours which is more than enough once you have the game figured out. Their is no pause or save option so you need to beat it in one sitting. The game can be completed quicker than shown in this video as I try to show off all areas, but most of the time is spent in the really slow moving around animations.

00:00:00 - Full playthrough with best ending

01:21:37 - Bad Ending

01:23:43 - Bad ending for running out of time.