Twisted Metal: Small Brawl

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/10/2016
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 01:21:50
File Size: 1005.54 MB (1029673.85 KB)
Downloads: 330 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Alternative 1P longplay of this game. Played with Crimson Fury

00:01:57 Tournament

After the tournament I added the endings of the other characters (secret characters don't have an ending)

00:56:52 Hammerhead ending
00:57:20 Mr. Grimm ending
00:57:52 Outlaw ending
00:58:21 Shadow ending
00:59:00 Slam ending
00:59:35 Spectre ending
01:00:07 Sweet Tooth ending
01:00:30 Thumper ending
01:01:10 Twister ending
01:01:37 Warthog ending

Finally I added the bonus levels that can only be played in Endurance/Challenge mode.

01:02:47 Holiday Havoc
01:11:46 Buster's Lanes
01:16:00 Shock Therapy

01:21:09 Credits