Crime Killer

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/10/2016
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 05:19:16
File Size: 11143.62 MB (11411068.00 KB)
Downloads: 421 downloads
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Player's Review

Crime Killer, released on Playstation in 1998 by Interplay.

This game is one of the fastest/smoothest race games on the Playstation with a high framerate for a ps1 game and although it is using a low resolution mode it does not not look bad with plenty of colorful lighting effects. The whole game takes place at night to properly show these though. However the speed also works against the game as the vehicles can be difficult to control at speed causing you to crash into everything and its not a lot of fun when you have time limited objectives like bomb destroying. Also the game does not always show where the objective is so you have to race around until it appears on your radar.

The game is also quite long. Only 15 levels but they are 20-30 mins each and with every level practicaly the same, it gets repetative. There are 3 vehicles in the game that switch between levels to try and keep the game interesting. Later in the game you get weapon upgrades but it gets nullified by even stronger armoured enemies so you never feel over powered. especially when going against air units in ground vehicles, you have to wait for them to go low while taking corners so they can take a while to kill.

At first the game can seem overly difficult but it is made much easier when you know where the health drops are in each level. They spawn reguarly and can be picked up any time and always in the same places. usualy two but sometimes at 3 places in each level and the levels are all small. Special ammo needs to be used sparingly as only some enemies will drop them when destroyed.

00:04:45 Level 1 On Patrol
00:11:30 Level 2 Suburbia Blues
00:19:25 Level 5 The Break In
00:42:00 Level 4 Rapid Responce
00:54:15 Level 5 Cult Moves
01:18:05 Level 6 The Kidnap
01:38:35 Level 7 Family
02:09:05 Level 8 Police Hijack
02:20:30 Level 9 The Rescue
02:48:50 Level 10 Static
03:20:50 Level 11 Use of Force
03:36:05 Level 12 The Deadline
04:05:35 Level 13 M.E.
04:36:35 Level 14 Freeway Racers
04:43:00 Level 15 The Revelation
05:13:50 Epilogue and credits