Dezaemon Plus

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 16/09/2017
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 03:22:30
File Size: 2040.41 MB (2089379.02 KB)
Downloads: 327 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Dezaemon is a contstuction-kit where you can create your own shmup.

There is one game that is integrated with this version:

00:00:40 Daioh Gale ver.2

And several others that were made by various people for contests (some are in awful-quality video form, others you can play):

Contest 1

00:15:26 Scarecrow
00:25:48 The Heart of Dark
00:41:07 Celebration No.3
00:58:56 Magical Kit (video)
01:07:00 Tortoise (video)

Contest 2

01:13:32 Justice
01:27:44 Under The Sun (video)
01:32:57 Hard Machine
04:46:45 Little Chaser
02:07:28 Looking For Spring (video)
02:17:07 Battle Linear
02:34:32 Odd House
02:49:16 Out of My Mind !!

There are also two secret games:

03:04:14 Daioh Gale
03:18:35 Omake Power Storm