Mo Jie Qi Bing (ENG version) (Unlicensed)

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Game Boy Advance
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Unlicensed
Publication Date: 23/08/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 01:36:04
File Size: 1011.57 MB (1035847.09 KB)
Downloads: 132 downloads
File Links:
Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

English (or better said, engrish) version of Mo Jie Qi Bing, a Lord of the Rings-themed chinese Pocky & Rocky clone from Vast Fame. Despite the 'Return of the King' title, all text shown in the game is actually based on Fellowship of the Ring, the first entry in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Each character has their own set of regular and special attacks, the former can be upgraded by picking up the sword item that is randomly dropped after killing an enemy. However, this upgrade drops down by one after getting hit.

This video includes two playthroughs: one with Frodo on Hard difficulty and another with Gandalf on Normal. I mainly did this to show the differences in item dropping, since some of them don't appear on the highest difficulty. At the end of the video I show the attacks for the rest of the characters.