The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Game Boy Advance
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/09/2011
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 07:21:33
File Size: 1163.85 MB (1191779.63 KB)
Downloads: 1656 downloads
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Player's Review

A Zelda game made by Capcom.

Follow the adventure of Zelda as he attends a festival or something and then bad stuff happens. He also gets a talking hat.

I haven't played this game a lot (about 3 times). For this playthrough, I don't get everything, but I get a bunch of stuff. Things I do: get almost every Heart Piece (and the special Heart Container), get all Tiger Scrolls as well as the other skills (y'know...faster Split Gauge, faster Spin Attack charge), all bottles, upgrades for some of the equipment (like the Magic Boomerang). What I don't do: Figurine collecting (hence "almost every Heart Piece" ), get Mirror Shield (it is the only post-game thing to do, aside from getting the last 6 Figurines.), do all Kinstone fusions (especially to get the golden monsters, which the Figurine sidequest demands).

Forgive me if the text advances fast. I was recording a VBA movie file and the emulator lagged. -_- Don't mind any flickering that happens. VBA movie...lag...yeah.