
Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: Game Boy Color
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 26/01/2017
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 01:42:45
File Size: 286.41 MB (293284.41 KB)
Downloads: 316 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

This might be the sequel of Lamborghini American Challenge (aka Crazy Cars 3), or maybe Titus decided to recycle the game and make a new title. The characters in this game are the same, the map mode is the same (now you race the whole world rather than the USA) and the betting system is here.

Although it was released with the same cover as the game Roadsters that was released on Nintendo 64, Playstation and Sega Dreamcast, this game have absolutely nothing to do with it. It might as well be called Crazy Cars 4!

This game is sometimes mistaken for Titus' unreleased GBC top down racing game Roadsters '98.

Ah, yes. The in-game title says Roadsters Trophy, but it was boxed simply as Roadsters so I'm going for this name.