Todd's Adventures in Slime World

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: Atari Lynx
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 17/10/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2030
Duration: 02:39:02
File Size: 358.73 MB (367338.12 KB)
Downloads: 192 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

This game have serious problems with everything. It's too hard on the Lynx. It was also released for the Sega Genesis and PC Engine.

There are six adventures in total, each gives you a slightly different ending message.

00:00:00 Title screen
00:00:30 Summary (tutorial)
00:04:24 Easy
00:18:55 Exploration
00:50:57 Action
01:21:53 Suspense
01:55:22 Logic
02:26:48 Arcade
02:37:08 Pop the zit mini-game (you can acces it through the tutorial by pressing Option 1 button on the picture where Todd is green)