
Hammerfist, developed by Vivid Images and published by Activision in 1990.

Spectrum 48k

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: ZX Spectrum
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 31/05/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2025
Duration: 00:47:34
File Size: 39.07 MB (40004.00 KB)
Downloads: 128 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

THE REVOLUTION BEGINS. 2245AD - The people are no longer free. Their lives and destines are controlled by a powerful corporate body, Centro-Holographix, that seizes suitable humans for transformation into holographic images, indistinguishable from their sold counterparts. Their unknowing minds and holographic bodies are programmed to perform any task the Masters should require. Two of the deadliest, Hammerfist and Metalisis were ready for assignment; to dispense death and destruction under the evil instruction of Centro-Holographix. They were political puppets, dangerous and skilled murderers who followed their binary politics to the letter - their masters didn't even consider the possibilities of a malfunction ... especially one that would turn Hammerfist and Metalisis against the hand fed them ... SO BEGINS THE REVOLUTION"

A game with an interesting concept. Controlling two characters with different abilities to make it through each screen, swapping character at anytime depending on the situation. However the controls can be annoying as well as the enemies that are constantly respawning and swarm over you. It may have all been to much for the humble machine as the game is limited to monochrome graphs and absolutely "No Sound". not a single beep! The Amstrad CPC version suffers much the same and it's up to the C64 to make a good showing for the 8 bits.

Hammerfist has a .. Hammerfist and blaster weapon that you can swap between any time depending on the situation. Metalisis can jump and reach high platforms as well as kick ass. Hammerfists abilities need to be charged by collecting the L and P powerups. Powerups are being dropped all the time as well as Energy E and B. Skulls are bad and reduce your energy. However leaving any powerups to disintegrate will give the energy to the Master which make all power up drops into skulls for a duration.

Overall, there is a good game to be had here with great art work but challenging to play made more so by the controls. So easy to accidently swap characters at the worst of times. Not having any sound or even a title tune is really odd for a 1990 release as well as being 48k only.

00:00:00 Level 1
00:12:25 Level 2
00:24:17 Level 3
00:36:18 Level 4