
Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: ZX Spectrum
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 16/12/2012
YouTube Release: 31/12/2032
Duration: 00:10:39
File Size: 32.51 MB (33289.85 KB)
Downloads: 580 downloads
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Player's Review

Cobra for the Spectrum 48k

It doesnt have a version of the Awsome c64 track sadly, just a beeper tune which I let play out.

Not a great game, and I never really understood the gameplay to be anything other then kill everything for x amount of time untill next level opens and eventually kill the boss on level 3. The game loops after this.

The game has some odd little jingles from time to time and I think the woman that sometimes follows you around is acting as a shield so you can take one hit (she runs away). The boxing gloves for lives makes me thing the developer wanted to make rocky but .. And the duck as energy bar, ive seen in one other game Terra Cresta as lives. The game was always abit odd to me and not one I played often.