Terminator 2

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: ZX Spectrum
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 20/12/2012
YouTube Release: 31/12/2032
Duration: 00:10:32
File Size: 27.78 MB (28444.00 KB)
Downloads: 489 downloads
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Player's Review

Terminator 2 for the Spectrum 128k

What a letdown this was. So many great games from Ocean released around the same time and this was quite the let down. Its really short and you play the beat em up section 3 times. The puzzle parts are probably the only good bits of the game even if I did mess them up. The game does have alot of good colour use though which looked good in the magazines so didn't look a bad game at that point. reviews of 70% or more though just shows how much they over hyped games to help get em sold and for the writers to get the free games Wink

The bike riding bit was annoying and always took a few goes to get right. Helicopter chase was easy and the beat em up bits can go either way depending on how fast the T1000 abuses the same move all the time. The music, what there is of it is abit naff too. Also what happened to the scrolling terminator intro that graced other versions!