Super Mario 3D Land

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: 3DS
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/12/2012
YouTube Release: 06/04/2024
Duration: 05:03:24
File Size: 1321.11 MB (1352818.36 KB)
Downloads: 1903 downloads
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Player's Review

Mario game by Nintendo.

Tree loses Super Leef. Chick gets kidnapped by giant turtle. Plumber stomps on things to rescue said chick. "The green one" may or may not be relevant.

Classic Mario gameplay (go through stages, stomp on baddies, hit the flagpole) on a 3D plane. Super Leaf gives you Tanuki suit (or Kitsune as Luigi). There's also the Boomerang Flower, which is pretty overpowered.

This longplay goes through all of the regular worlds and then the special worlds while getting all of the Star Medals in the stages. Fails are plentiful. -_- I also abuse the 1-Up spot in World 1-2 and World 4-1. Some stages are cheaped out with the Super Leaf. There may be some shoddy editing and there will be inconsistencies (going into a stage as small from the map but Tanuki in a stage and/or lives). Do you REALLY want to see me spam World 1-1 for Super Leaf?

Don't ask about the roll at the beginning... -_-
It's a long story...