Fun School 2: For 6-8 Year Olds

Longplay Information

Author(s): IronclawIronclaw
System: Amiga 500
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 29/09/2019
YouTube Release: 22/01/2025
Duration: 00:13:34
File Size: 11.74 MB (12022.74 KB)
Downloads: 235 downloads
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Player's Review

Time to jump on another series... this one has loads Smile

These will mostly be a quick run-through. Didn't even read the manual, which is why I couldn't figure some stuff out, as I mention further down.

The mouse was super sensitive (could be changed in the emulator settings, but didn't), so jumped wrong on the frog part.

Couldn't figure out how to do what I was supposed to do on the packing level, but did later in the next longplay "For the Over-8s". I had to use space and enter to rotate and place the pieces, meh. Some levels required the use of the arrow keys, or a joystick to move stuff, some just the mouse, coped with having to also use enter/space. This could all be done with just the mouse, IMO, but they didn't make it like that. Things get better in Fun School 3.