Lazer Force

Lazer Force, developed by Gavin Raeburn and published by Codemasters in 1987.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 08/05/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2034
Duration: 00:54:11
File Size: 109.59 MB (112216.00 KB)
Downloads: 159 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"A new arcade shoot-em-up which stretches the C64 to its limits of incredible colour, fast action, smooth movement and compulsively addictive gameplay. Gavin has done it again!"

This is the fifth game by Gavin Raeburn (Gaxx). Another endless shootemup that puts you through 32 levels of hell!

Each level is made up of 4 stages making 128 rounds in total. Level 1 is the main stage where you need to destroy on coming enemies and make it through to the end. Getting shot will cost a life. In stage 2, you play in a centipede like stage where you need to shoot 4 clouds to end the stage. Collecting a cloud will upgrade your laser to a triple shot. Again dying will cost a life.

Stage 3 is a bonus round similar to Moon Cresta in that you need to land on the station to collect the score. Crash and no score is awarded. Stage 4 is again another bonus round. get through as much of the tunnel as you can and collect score at the end of the time limit. Crash and you get no score. Now play though it 31 more times!

After 32 levels the game loops around. No acknowledgment that you have finished them as the game is endless. It does feel very rewarding after all that. The game is a budget release from Codemasters likely to be £2.99.

00:00:00 Title Music
00:01:08 Gameplay
00:52:25 Game Loops