Frantic Freddie II

Frantic Freddie II developed and released by Oziphantom in 2019.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Public Domain
Publication Date: 30/12/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2030
Duration: 00:20:55
File Size: 48.78 MB (49952.00 KB)
Downloads: 129 downloads
File Links:
Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

A fantastic tribute to the original Frantic Freddie. While the core game is exactly the same, we have new gfx and rock based music. There are now 8 interlude sequences and each level has themed gfx which all helps to keep the game interesting.

The game seems a little easier in the beginning but those final levels are every bit as devilish as the original. You do get more lives though which helps a lot towards the end. I have tried to stay in each level so the music can be heard but its not always possible with the enemies chasing you. Fortunately all the music can be downloaded separately and played back in full with no interruption.

Again, the game is quite short with just 16 levels but this time after the ending is shown, the game continues on and replays all those levels with a higher difficulty and once the lives are used up you can enter you name on the high score table.

00:00:00 Title Music
00:02:35 Game