Black Thunder

Black Thunder, developed by Antony Crowther and published by Quicksilver Ltd in 1985.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 28/10/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2031
Duration: 00:15:21
File Size: 74.29 MB (76076.00 KB)
Downloads: 65 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The WIZARD has planned this moment for a hundred years. At last Superhuman CROW-THER is trapped by his forces in the city of Wizening. No mercy will be shown as CROW-THER is relentlessly pursued by remote control androids in death dealing machinery around the colossal Freeway system on which the city stands.
The WIZARD sees his long and tortuous plan reaching its inevitable climax at any second; only Superhuman skill at the wheel of his domed car with its impressive armoury can enable CROW-THER to destroy his opponents and leave the city to the tyranny of the WIZARD. One day, quite soon, CROW-THER will return to vanquish the tyrant. But the first problem is to stay ALIVE!"

Anthony Crowther seemingly very self aware with this one. Very much like Suicide Express before it this has different sprites but little if any change in gameplay. At this point it looks like the minor differences between loco, suicide express and black thunder was away to sell the same game to three different publishers at once. From the game description you start to wonder if the developer is just taking the micky seeing how far he push his luck with one game idea.

Unlike loco, here we have just one long run with the sole objective of reaching 100000 points to end the game. However getting there is going to be hard work as the game ramps up in difficulty as you progress. The enemy moves fast and blinking could be the end of you. You can speed up and slow down at will but not to slow as the enemy will just take you from behind.

Ammo needs to be carefully managed as holding to much (50) will cause you to explode. The alarm will go off from 40. The music is probably the least memorable of the three games. The main sprite makes me think of The Juggernaut from Knight Rider.