Assault Suits Valken: Declassified

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Switch
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 27/10/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2031
Duration: 01:40:47
File Size: 2721.59 MB (2786911.39 KB)
Downloads: 132 downloads
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Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

[Robit!] Platformer..action..whatever by Masaya (originally) with porting done by M2. Known out of Japan as Cybernator.

Follow soldier d00d Jake as he pilots a big bot to take on some Federation folks in a war to get moon fuel...or something like that.

Gameplay involves using the big robit to shoot and punch things. Grab power-ups to power up your weapons! You also have a shield button to ward off bullets. This version of Assault Suits Valken is THE original game, not that Cybernator mess: an official English translation and a BETTER one at that compared to Cybernator and nothing cut out. Also in this release are a buncha fun things, like a manual/strategy guide hybrid, sound test, an interview, a Super Play replay, Free Play, start with Napalm instead of trying to unlock it, and savestates because this game can be a bit brutal at times for a new player...or just in general.

This longplay, unlike the others I did of this game, actually friggin' 1CC the game twice: once with no Napalm with Good Ending and again with the upgradable Napalm with Bad Ending (yes. Napalm can be upgraded. Not worth the hassle unlocking it. For the curious: complete Stage 1 without getting a single point except on bosses for the actual unlock. Upgrade is by completing Stage 2 without a single point. Have to dodge rocks AND let no mines denonate.). I STILL keep missing that small tunnel in Stage 3! The second go is done with a replay saved because the original recording had frame drops. Thank goodness this game has a replay save function.