Hell Gate

Hellgate, developed by Jeff Minter and published by LLamasoft in 1984

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 25/05/2024
YouTube Release: 31/12/2034
Duration: 00:16:31
File Size: 33.54 MB (34340.00 KB)
Downloads: 37 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"HELL GATE on the 64 is certainly no REVENGE or HOVER BOVVER, being the VIC 20 code tweaked to run on this system. However we are offering it at a bargain price to those who like an unusual shoot-'em-up, fans of Gridrunner and Matrix should enjoy themselves and the game is challenging to all."

Sequel to Laser Zone and maybe partially related to the much later Voidrunner. The game is crazy arcade action that has you controlling four lasers firing into hells mouth. Demons will be spawning and heading in your direction so need to be shot quick. The game has twenty levels with the final level running indefinitely until zapps and lives have run out

The game can be extremely challenging not only due to its speed (or lack of at the worst times) but the controls can be a bit mind bending as two of the lasers are mirrored with the others and there can be some hairy moments as you try to align them with the demons. You also have to keep moving else your lasers will overheat while firing. Sometimes demons will make it to the walls and ideally you need to line up the opposite laser to take them out before they catch up to you. It is not always be possible and you will be hit. As long as your weapons are not overheated a zapp will be used to clear the onscreen demons and if you are lucky, end the wave. if your weapons are hot however and zapp wont fire and you will lose a life. extra zapps are awarded at the end of each wave and best not overuse them as they become real handy in later waves. Occasionally, goats will wander on screen. these need to reach the other side for bonus score.