The Goonies (Homebrew Conversion)

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: SG-1000
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Homebrew
Publication Date: 17/06/2024
YouTube Release: No information available
Duration: 00:44:41
File Size: 62.46 MB (63960.26 KB)
Downloads: 19 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The MSX release of The Goonies is based on the Famicom version with different levels and features five 'scenes', also that you play as Sloth instead of Mikey. After each successfully completed scene, a key word is given and thus the player can continue the game from this point at any time.

Homebrew conversion of the original MSX port to SG-1000. In the video I also try to find all hidden items, following a similar strategy used in the NES version.

00:00 - Start
00:31 - Stage 1
10:29 - Stage 2
19:33 - Stage 3
27:51 - Stage 4
35:39 - Stage 5
44:23 - Ending