Ai Senshi Nicol

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Famicom Disk System
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 05/08/2024
YouTube Release: 31/12/2034
Duration: 01:15:42
File Size: 258.19 MB (264384.83 KB)
Downloads: 20 downloads
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Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Famicom Disk System exclusive action RPG from Konami with a gameplay formula that is similar to The Legend of Zelda in many ways. A bootleg NES conversion exists which removes all the extra sound channels the FDS uses.

The game tells the story of Nicol, who has to save his girlfriend Stella from a large horde of aliens that kidnapped her and also destroyed Nicol's dimensional space transporting machine he was using for his research. For that he has to go through a series of stages in order to retrieve all seven crystals, repair his machine and free his lover.

Nicol can make use of his laser pistol to defeat any enemy that tries to obstruct his path, as well as other weapons and powerups that are hidden inside tiles in certain places. I made sure to find all of them thanks to the level maps I found on GameFAQs, especially weapon and health upgrades, since these are really needed to make the final bossfight easier. A highly recommended game despite its short length, music is very nicely composed and fits the game's environment well.

0:00:00 - Start
0:01:40 - Stage 1
0:14:12 - Stage 2
0:23:28 - Stage 3
0:33:14 - Stage 4
0:45:12 - Stage 5
0:56:03 - Stage 6
1:07:56 - Stage 7
1:13:21 - Ending