3D Classics: Urban Champion

3D Classics Urban Challenge Original Arcade/Nes game by Nintendo 1984. 3DS remake by Arika and published by Nintendo in 2011. Exclusive to the Nintendo eShop.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: 3DS
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 13/08/2024
YouTube Release: 31/12/2034
Duration: 01:55:28
File Size: 223.02 MB (228368.00 KB)
Downloads: 17 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"In 3D Classics Urban Champion, prove you're the toughest guy on the streets. Block, punch and dodge your way through opponents to force them back - and down the open manholes! Plus you'll have to contend with angry neighbours dropping flower pots and avoid the attentions of the police, too. Battle solo against computer-controlled foes or face off against a friend via Nintendo 3DS Local Play."

Arika seems to be picking some really early stuff that hasn't aged too well yet probably the easiest to make stereoscopic. Not remotely on the level of M2's Sega conversions. This one is just three screens and two figures and dragged out for 150 rounds to become the Urban Champion. The 3D works well enough but hardly a showcase title for the technology.

The game is a one on one fighting game in its simplest form. simple walk left/right whilst punching your opponent off the screen and down the manhole on the third screen to complete the level. You get three lives and it's game over if you get pushed down the manhole on the third screen. You can lean back to block or lean in to punch high or low with a quick hit or a slow hard hit to knock the opponent back. Watch out for falling plants and note that you are constantly losing stamina based on how you are knocked back and how hard you swing.

Their is not a lot to the game and its quite a mind numbing grind to become the urban champion. Their is no ending and the game will happily keep on going until you eventually succumb to fatigue and either lose or turn off the game. That said the game has a save function to continue the pain. The game starts off easy and gets progressively more difficult and really ramps up after round fifty.

Some noteworthy events in the video:-

00:00:00 Start
00:03:22 Group champion (Round 6)
00:07:05 Alley Champion (Round 12)
00:09:47 Street Champion (Round 18)
00:13:50 Block Champion (Round 28)
00:15:09 Opponent Wins
00:23:17 Downtown Champion (Round 45)
00:35:10 Village Champion / Opponent arrested (Round 60)
00:51:02 Town Champion (Round 78)
00:58:50 Player Arrested
01:16:00 Area Champion (Round 105)
01:31:41 Country Champion (Round 126)
01:40:20 Champion (Round 138)
01:52:10 Urban Champion (Round 150)
01:54:20 Credits