Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 19/09/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 02:51:36
File Size: 2023.84 MB (2072416.00 KB)
Downloads: 651 downloads
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Player's Review

This is an expansion pack for the original GTA game, Mission pack 1: London 1969

These original gta games don't seem to be as enjoyable as I remember back when they originally released. Due to the free roam nature of the game you would just jump in and cause havoc and generally not bother with the missions. For this longplay however, I am mainly just going through the missions one by one in order to show them all and not really getting caught up in the other aspects of the game. That is both good and bad for a longplay and together with my bad navigation and lack of varied missions, the longplay is perhaps not as good as it could have been.

The game is about half the size of the original with only 3 full maps and 1 really short one at the start. I originally intended to show everything, but that was becoming tedious and just dragged the longplay out. In the second map I show all available missions followed by the Kill frenzy (Secrets) locations.

Third and Forth map I intended to just show the missions and do the Kill Frenzy if I happen to notice it since the secret don't change the game in any way. As it happens I managed to find all but 1 anyway as they are much easier to find than in the original game.

I did find this game a little boring due to the fact that (true to life?) the police are not around all that much to bother you , even when you get a 4 star wanted rating. The missions are all pretty much drive from A to B, collect C and go to D. I think there was maybe only 2 missions where you needed to fire your gun to kill a target. I think the few cut scenes in the game could have been a little longer. They only show for a few seconds and I think they could have done more with them.

I think it is a shame that this is the only game where Rockstar make Lonon the setting for a Gta game. Maybe its due to licenced/patents held for The Getaway, I dunno but I think Rockstar should revisit this locale one day and make a British themed game, only after they have made an all new vice city of course Wink

00:00:00 London 1
00:04:12 London 2
00:59:23 London 3
01:55:55 London 4