
Urgent! Site looking for a new owner

Urgent! Site looking for a new ownerWhat I have to say now is something you don't want to hear. From next month (1 st Mars) will I no longer continue to maintenance this site. The reason is lack of time and interest. Therefore I'm looking for someone to take over the project (it would be a shame if the site would die) More and more people finding out about our site. Every month we hit a new record of unique vistors. I don't want to give it away for "free". As it would be nice to get something back for all hard work and hours spent. I don't lie if i say i spent 1000 hours! I have thinking about € 1000. I know that is high for one person. But for that price, the new owner got a lot! (send me a message and i tell more). [u]Anyone can take over the site.[/u] You don't need any progamming skills. All you need is a computer with at least 1 Ghz processor and 512 Mb ram. Running Windows, Linux, or MacOS. A internet connection with a upstream of 2 Mbps should be enough as long you don't plan to host any lp's yourself. If you are new to this, then I will of course help with the setup. Why have I not said anything about this earlier? Well, I have. I did already for 1.5 years ago when the site was almost new. At this time there where people who was interested. But for some reason I never replied on these letters. Ps. If nobody wants to take over the site in its current state. And instead want to start over from scratch with a new longplay site. Then I will be more than happy to forward all traffic from World of Longplays to this new site.
AdminBot February 18 2010 2,742 Print