(16896) Super Nintendo: Rushing Beat Shura (Ravenlord)

Last updated on 2 years ago
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Submission ID: 16896
Title: Rushing Beat Shura
System: Super Nintendo

Please use this thread for all discussion (between the author and admins) relating to the submission. The author will be notified of any posts to this thread.

-Longplays AdminBot
KAGE-008 made the following changes to the submission:

Title Changed: Rushing Beat Shura (2P)
Additional Info Changed: 2P
Language Changed: Japanese
Region Changed: JP
Ravenlord made the following changes to the submission:

Download Link Changed: https://archive.org/download/SNES_Longplay_-_Rushing_Beat_Shura_2P_-_JP/SNES_Longplay_-_Rushing_Beat_Shura_2P_-_JP.mkv
MobyGames URL Changed: https://www.mobygames.com/game/28717/the-peace-keepers/
Subtitle Language Changed: Japanese
Video Runtime Changed: 01:05:49
Video Filesize Changed: 442161364
Development Status Changed: Uploaded
Admin Approval Changed: Approved
Screenshot Changed: rushingbeatshura2psnes.jpg

Publishing Admin: Ravenlord

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