In general the usage of footage from is allowed as long as I credit:
- the name of website
- the youtube channel
- the longplayer(s) who created the footage/games
in the video itself and the description, right?
I Mylself Played and recorde it like NES PSX and SEGA using emulator like duckstation and K-fusion etc and upload it to my own channel.
I want tobe fair and honest here. I want to create videos showing all bosses of a certain game and I want to use your footage for that, are you okay with that?
Am I allowed to monetize these videos?
And are you using any Creative Commons licence like Youtube is offering?
Edited by Masyeikhu on 07-11-2023 12:10, 1 year ago
Please read our FAQ regarding on what we allow our footage to be used for
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