LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga(PlayStation 5)

Last updated on 5 months ago
Cosmic and I will be submitting LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga it will be on the PlayStation 5 console

The video game lets you play all 9 films (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker) and explore the galaxy and play as many different characters to achieve different rewards! in every level of the Saga collect minikits in the story or free play and try to complete 3 challenges in each level.
Before you go and record the whole game, we're gonna need some test footage from your capture card.
Since this is a PS5 game we do require to being done with a 4K capture card, either Avermedia Live Gamer 4K or Elgato 4K60 are acceptable.
We'll need raw footage from your capture card and that same footage encoded uploaded to our FTP

Use the following connection details:
Username: upload
Password: upload

Since it is PS5 footage it will need to be recorded and encoded at 4K with Handbrake using H.265 Encoding. Preferably with NVEnc, which requires a 20-series Nvidia GPU or newer, or AMD equivalent.
Under Video settings Quality needs to be set to Constant Quality 15 CQ and framerate needs to be same as sources with Constant Framerate Selected. Encoder Preset can be set to medium and Encoder Profile and Encoder Level can be set to Auto
Audio settings must be set to AAC codec, quality needs to be set to bitrate at 192 and everything else set to default.

Let somebody know either by replying here or asking for help in the discord to get somebody to check the raw and encoded footage to see if it meets our requirement standards
What is this for? Use the following connection details:
Username: upload
Password: upload
FTP info
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