SEGA Master System & YT ABC Order

Last updated on 14 years ago
How do you record Sega Master System? And also how do you put your YT playlists in ABC order I googled it but no one seems to know
I'm guessing you haven't read my response in the same thread you posted in. It may seem like a lot to do, but it is simpler than it looks.



Try using the Dega emulator:
Download Dega 1.16 (any of them will do. I just chose Doze just to find a solution quickly.

[d]Supposedly, the emulator's AVI thing is broken. You will have to record a movie file and use .kkapture to record it. =/
This is according to tasvideos.[/d]

Ignore all that jazz. Moar lurking = me finding someone who found a solution. Once again, from tasvideos.

Download this:

Recording movie file (.mmv):
Make a movie file of whatever Master System game you have in mind. (I did a test with Sonic The Hedgehog). Load the ROM and go to Movie -> Start Recording. Play, abuse savestates, and what-not. After you are done recording, be sure to stop the recording (Movie -> Stop Recording/Playback).

Making the AVI file:
Open the degavi that you downloaded. Choose the same ROM you used to make the movie file, the movie file (.mmv), and choose a directory you want to output the video into. Choose a codec (I'm all for ffdshow codec. Others say Techsmith, but I have a beef with it), leave the audio where its at, click Encode, and wait. :3

Note that you won't be able to open it in Windows Media Player (might open in other media player...thingies...iunno), but don't worry. It loads fine in VirtualDub.

Others might have another way, but I find this the simplest way to make SMS videos.

As for the YouTube ABC thing: FailTube always fucking things up (like it says I have, at the time of this post, 111 channel comments, when in reality I have about 30 or 40). You will either have it in ABC order or you don't. You could "re-arrange" them by putting them in 6? Accept? Pull out of top 6? Only time will tell when FailTube fixes this (that is IF. The people don't don't listen). I don't have mines in ABC and many other users won't have their playlists in ABC. They [cubex55] were lucky they didn't get affected by FailTube.



Tsunao wrote:
I'm guessing you haven't read my response in the same thread you posted in. It may seem like a lot to do, but it is simpler than it looks.



Try using the Dega emulator:
Download Dega 1.16 (any of them will do. I just chose Doze just to find a solution quickly.

[d]Supposedly, the emulator's AVI thing is broken. You will have to record a movie file and use .kkapture to record it. =/
This is according to tasvideos.[/d]

Ignore all that jazz. Moar lurking = me finding someone who found a solution. Once again, from tasvideos.

Download this:

Recording movie file (.mmv):
Make a movie file of whatever Master System game you have in mind. (I did a test with Sonic The Hedgehog). Load the ROM and go to Movie -> Start Recording. Play, abuse savestates, and what-not. After you are done recording, be sure to stop the recording (Movie -> Stop Recording/Playback).

Making the AVI file:
Open the degavi that you downloaded. Choose the same ROM you used to make the movie file, the movie file (.mmv), and choose a directory you want to output the video into. Choose a codec (I'm all for ffdshow codec. Others say Techsmith, but I have a beef with it), leave the audio where its at, click Encode, and wait. :3

Note that you won't be able to open it in Windows Media Player (might open in other media player...thingies...iunno), but don't worry. It loads fine in VirtualDub.

Others might have another way, but I find this the simplest way to make SMS videos.

As for the YouTube ABC thing: FailTube always fucking things up (like it says I have, at the time of this post, 111 channel comments, when in reality I have about 30 or 40). You will either have it in ABC order or you don't. You could "re-arrange" them by putting them in 6? Accept? Pull out of top 6? Only time will tell when FailTube fixes this (that is IF. The people don't don't listen). I don't have mines in ABC and many other users won't have their playlists in ABC. They [cubex55] were lucky they didn't get affected by FailTube.

Thanks for the SEGA Master SYstem advice! As for the YT ABC thing I have a correction you actually can choose 12 not 6 lol

Yeah. I know. LOL
I wanted to keep it simple with 6.
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