just take a look - many good titels!!!

Last updated on 14 years ago
i don't want to make too many theads so i searched for good games that would be nice to see on world of langplays
there are some real game-"gems" in this list!

* = maybe to fill the archiv
** = would be nice
*** = should be done!
**** = just have to be done!!!! because this games are epic


----- THE GAMES -------

* - F.A.K.K 2 (pc) :
* - Nightmare creatures (n64 / pc) :
* - resident evil umbrella chronicels ( wii ) :
* - Gradius V (ps2) :

** - Clive Barker's Undying (PC) : such a great game
** - Siren and Forbidden Siren (ps2) : pure horror
** - siren blood curse (ps3) : adrenaline full ^^
** - the suffering 1 and 2 (ps2 / pc) :
** - Alien resurrection (psx) :
** - dark reign 1 and 2 (pc) : good rts-games
** - Recoil (pc) : tank game with cool style

*** - Alundra (psx)
*** - Apocalypse (psx) : bruce willis rocks!!!!!!!
*** - Mischief Makers (n64) : yeah!!!!!!!!
*** - metroid prime 1 - 2 echos - 3 corruption (GC / wii) : love them
*** - Heart of Darkness (psx / pc) : simply was great
*** - The Darkness ( xbox360 / ps3) : voice of the darkness rocks
*** - Omega Boost (psX) :
*** - nightmare creatures 2 (psx / sega) : love this style
*** - Viking battle for asgard (xbox360) : really really good game!!!!

**** - Silent Bomber (PSX) : good arcarde game with fresh ideas
**** - Kurushi Intelligent Qube (psx) : just play it!!!!
**** - wicked (c64 / amiga) : its the difficultest game ever made
**** - system shock 2 (pc) : because bioshock sucks :P
**** - Kula world (psx)


tell me what you think?
somebody will do one of this games???
I also forgot to mention Omega Boost.
Seriously....great game.
Syndicate and Syndicate Wars, I think there already a LP for the amiga version, but thats not the same as the PC version (unless my memory is failing me)
here are some links to videos
maybe that will convince someone to do this longplays ;)

KUSRUSHI INTELLIGENCE QUBE ( basic rules and gameplay )

SILENT BOMBER ( intro and tutorial )





Ravenlord wrote:
Alien Resurrection is on my to do list ;)

good to know :)


Tsunao wrote :
Couldn't agree with you more. It is personally my favorite...

THX ;)


DaGak wrote:
what's about God of War series? good slasher, imho

i don't like GoW series and in this list i'm focusing more on underrated old games that not should be forgotten... and with longplays of them maybe some people get the chance to know them ;)

( sorry for bad english .___. )

what's about God of War series? good slasher, imho


Noschi wrote:
G-darius (psx) : perfect shoot'm up!!!!

Couldn't agree with you more. It is personally my favorite shmup series (and the best one. I R FANBOI! XD)
Don't forget about the music.
Zuntata, man.

I would do it (by playing Taito Legends 2 for the PS2, which is based on the Arcade version), but I suck HARD at it (it IS Darius, after all.) I can make it to the 3rd zone (after Queen Fossil) without dying, but that is IF I don't die on Queen Fossil. After that, it goes downhill.
Alien Resurrection is on my to do list ;)
Sic Parvis Magna

some more ;-)


* - ODT (psx) :
* - fighting force 2 (psx) :
* - Syphon Filter (psx) :

** - deathtrap dungeon (pc / psx) : hard to beat

*** - dino crisis 2 (psx) :

**** - G-darius (psx) : perfect shoot'm up!!!!
**** - dungeon keeper (pc) : it's good to be bad :D
**** - Z (psx / pc) : very good RTS

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