Sin & Punishment

Last updated on 14 years ago
I have a question for a longplay of Sin & Punishment that I might be doing. There are two different recording methods I can choose:

1: Record of an emulator, but the game has to be full frontal Japanese, no English at all (English patch has visual bugs)

2:Record of Wii (Virtual Console) which has some English translation (like Menu)

I want anyone's choice on this.
Wii games runs at 60fps, you'll need a really heavy machine to fraps it in 60fps, recording on 30fps will slow down the game by 50%.
Um... N64 Emulators have a built in avi recording system + I can record it with fraps perfectly...
I have no idea what type of emulator you're thinking about
He/she/it is probably confusing Sin and Punishment (the first one, which is a N64 game) for Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (the second one, which is a Wii game) or maybe thinking only about the VC release. One can always play the first one on a N64 emulator. No need for a Wii or Wii emulator emulating VC games.

In my opinion, just do the N64 version. The difference between the N64 and the VC release is really minor (menu translation). With some basic knowledge of probably katakana (haven't played the Japanese version), anyone can navigate the menu. If you have the VC version, try to work some magic with the Dazzle (or whatever) to get decent quality video and hope it gets accepted.

Since I'm at it:
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