WonderSwan Longplays

Last updated on 14 years ago
Well im about to record the first Wonderswan longplay Golden Axe also Translated Final Fantasy 1 will be uploaded as well. So many console uploading so little time.
Moved because you announced an upcoming LP.
Nice to hear that. I tried an emulator once but didn't have any video features and it wasn't compatible with fraps either. What's the secret?
ahh yes! when fraps fail, the secret is called VirtualDub + SCFH DSF makes recording possible.
I Would record Kaze no Klonoa: Moonlight Museum, but unfortunately, It doesn't emulator the third level too well.... since its flipped or something, quite a weird console..
Use WSCamp thats working good for me. OswanJ has the function of visualboy advance but it lacking in the sound department.
Okay, that emulates the screen flip, however it dosen't actually flip the screen.. and the controls change to like w, s up and down arrow..
There seems to be no control change options, nor actually flip the screen.
I guess this game is very hard to record.
just use WSCamp and you will be fine.
Now that Bizhawk is supporting Wonderswan i just might do replace Final Fantasy 1 again.
I think the idea to record that game on Bizhawk or WSCamp are fine (in my opinion) bro :D
Puerto Rico...GAME ON, Level Up & Happy Gaming!!!Smile
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