I think you should play through Blue Burst on SCHTHACK's server, like I suggested in another request thread. It has better visuals than the other games, and you can often find others online to show off that aspect of it as well.
Also, just edit out all the grinding it takes to be able to handle each stage, and mention it in the video info when you need to do it.
If you edit out deaths, edit out most of the grinding, and at the very least show yourself going through each stage, shopping, and doing all the Hunter's Guild missions, I think you'll have a good enough video to submit.
I never played PSO, but if it's as sparse content wise as other MMOs, I think you should just show the imprescindible. In long/boring games a good pace is more important that content IMO.
PSO...well in episode 1 there's differences in the enemies/areas between normal-vhard and ultimate... I'd say "story", but there's no story mode as it's a lot of hunting and pecking through the zones and quests to get it. I wouldn't mind an area show off. I know that's not a pain to do, and how I used to play way back then. If there was a story mode, I'd ask on that, but... ah well. That's ST and not you. :3
Just don't fall asleep in the caves. I used to do that all the time. /cough
Ok Now that Phantasy Star IV is done, how am i gonna playthrough Phantasy Star Online? Should i just go through the game story or just show off the areas?
If you want to prove yourself...First you must complete the task you're given. - Auron (Final Fantasy X)
I'd been trying to watch a PSU play on Youtube...but that's just not the same as a longplay from here. Weird random skips, fps shifts, jumping over good fun parts.... fml... I just wish I'd found everyone here at WoL much sooner!
I'm a huge PS fan but I'm always impressed at the effort I see put into any of the longplays here. I can't even begin to imagine how many recorded parts get ditched, or save states reloaded...
And a huge thanks to Valis for doing these PS longplays! thank you so much man, thank you! Keep up the great work!
I do, too, but it is irrelevant to the subject of getting 100%.
I'm saying it is a pain to 100% Lost Odyssey if one plays under Treasure Trove conditions (in case people don't know: you have to find every "treasure", which would be things in trees, rocks, chests, pots, posters, on the ground, things of that nature. Treasure hunts and underwater treasures also count.)
It is not mandatory to 100% a game (and some games, like Lords of Shadow, are a pain in the ass to 100%. Wait...more like 110%. Maybe more with DLC) Then that case, Mega Man ZX and Parasite Eve II would've been much shorter and the Nerutu games on Xbax360 would've been MUCH longer (maybe "Fallout 3" longer.)
Lord help someone who tries to 100% Lost Odyssey (while playing under Treasure Trove conditions.)
well this is longplay, meaning it's mandatory to 100% the game all game if not some. I already did all of the endings with a little editing. SO im good.
I agree. Feel free to say "I did one ending, it's all good." Or if you're a completionist to hit up the other 3. I don't think anyone will blame you for 1 ending. I won't anyhow. (I did all of the endings once....just once... I could never do that again. And I don't wish that upon someone unless they really want to do it.)
I think for completeness you should do all the endings, but, I tried playing PS3, and I got bored, so I would be happy with 1 ending. And nothing against the game itself, I got bored with PS2 as well. The original and PSIV I stuck it out to the end, and enjoyed them very much.
It'd be easiest to show the "real" ending where they get found by earthlings. I forget the 2nd and 3rd generation characters for that though...(I still have my old cart...)
Personally I'm not too concerned with seeing all of the endings (you going through PS3 does give me a big smile...I didn't think anyone would stick it out for the underdog of the series). I'd like to see them, but I don't want it to be too big a pain.
The greatest time saver in that game was merely to have a save as close to the last boss of the current generation, so it'd be less of a trek to kill it, pick the new wife and continue, then load up the save again after finishing.
The hardest part I can figure is just not making a confusing mess after Rhys in the first generation. Rhys with that choice of 2 wives, then his kids having the same kind of decision for 4 different grandkids and 4 endings... Hmm... maybe in the comments have a note about "at XX:YY:ZZ I got Ayn, Rhys son with ____" and at "XX:YY:ZZ, onto Nial, Ayn's son with ____" or embedding text into the mkv, but ugh... I've seen only one time in a Doom game with subtitles for notes here....
After all, with Rhys and all, it does cover a *total* of 7 generations, though you only play any 3 in a single playthrough. Rhys being 1, his kids being 2 and the grandkids being 4.
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