Original credits: Nox1911
Tools you need:
- x264 encoder (http://x264.nl)
- MeGUI (http://x264.nl) (needs .NET Framework)
- NET Framework (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5)
- AviSynth (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57023)
- Nero AAC Encoder (http://www.nero.com/nerodigital/eng/Nero_Digital_Audio.html)
- YAMB (http://yamb.unite-video.com)
- VirtualDub (http://www.virtualdub.org)
Once your recording (avi file) is ready and saved, set up an AviSynth frameserver file by creating an .avs file (standard text file) and put the following into it:
#trim(1000,10500) # Trims the Video - get the framenumbers with VirtualDub - remove the '#' if you want to use it.
#changefps(25) # remove the first '#' if you recorded at 25fps
pointresize(width*2,height*2) # Double-sizes the video (320x200 -> 640x400)
SubsStart=50 # set to 25 if you recorded at 25 fps
SubsDura=250 # set to 125 if you recorded at 25 fps
Subtitle("-= MyGame =-", first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura, y=340, size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=2)
Subtitle("PLAYED BY YOURNAME", first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura+5, y=365, size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=2)
Subtitle("WWW.LONGPLAYS.org", first_frame=SubsStart, last_frame=SubsStart+SubsDura+10, y=390, size=24, text_color=$ffff00, align=2)
ConvertToYV12() # Converts to YV12 colorspace for h264
Save and drop the .avs file into your video player to check if its valid (doesn't work with vlc).
Now install x264.exe and MeGUI into the same folder and copy 'neroAacEnc.exe' as well to this folder and fire up MeGUI.exe. Open 'Tools/Settings' and remove 'Open Preview after AviSynth script selection' as we don't need it. Load the Avisynth script at 'Input/Avisynth Script'. Select 'x264' codec and 'MP4' Container and press 'Config'. Now set up settings like this:
[img width=575]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/9417/x2641mainvs4.png[/img]
[img width=575]http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4706/x2642rcandmegf1.png[/img]
[img width=575]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4671/x2643advancedvb5.png[/img]
Additional Info:
- You can put the .avs files directly into any windows player (all but VLC) to watch the result or check if its valid.
- If you have recorded multiple avi files you want to merge at once try the following:
NOTE: The screens from MeGui above is from a old version! - Better if you download the profiles attached to this thread and put them in your megui/allprofiles folder. That would save you some time.
NOTE2: Make sure you update your MeGui and Tools to latest version before you start.
NOTE: The profiles in this thread is not the best for 3D games. Use them for 2D games only.
Good luck! It's not so complicated as it looks like.