Much needed Changes to the way Games are requested.

Last updated on 9 years ago
I just want to say a few things regarding requests and how you can get them noticed instead of having a moan if you see your request not done ever.

If you want to request a game, you need to do more than just reel off a list of game names. I only speak for myself but I'm sure others are the same that unless I recognise the game name, my interest stops right there. You should perhaps explain what the game is about, what type of game it is and what platform it is on.

If I don't have to spend an hour working out these details my self, I might show some interest in the game. perhaps show a screenshot of the game in action and maybe write a little about why you would like to see it longplayed and if there are any specifics in the game that need to noted like any hidden or secret areas that should be shown. Again, any information we don't have to dig out ourselves makes a request more interesting to a longplayer. If its a similar game to one we have already recorded, pointing that out may make it interesting to which ever longplayer played that similar game.
Maybe another system like the submission or youtube schedule could be implemented. Meaning, someone who has a request could put their request on a list that is more easily noticeable and us players can click a button to record that game and it's details such as title, platform, etc. would be moved over into the submission status page with the players name showing that someone has taken the request and has started playing.

Just a thought of how it could be done.
Metal Gear! uhhggg
Hey johtto, that would be awesome your idea!
Puerto Rico...GAME ON, Level Up & Happy Gaming!!!Smile
You're absolutely right on your original point and it's something I've been guilty off when making requests. In general I always thought that requests worked more so among the lines of "Hey we do longplays, you can request a game if you like and if someone feels like playing it they'll do it."

I consider longplay requests more like a favor than any sort of obligation.
It also helps if a link to some gameplay footage is posted as well so we can quickly check to see if it is something we will want to spend time on.
I deleted mys topic about Apotheon, because i found a longplay

If some mod think even so wasnt necessary, i could repost the topic.

I want found playthroughs of rare and ununsual games of all platforms.
1st Off: WhoKnows, THAT Was MY Mentality---As Well---Coming INTO THIS Site.


3rd: MadMatty, AFTER CLOSELY Reading YOUR POST, I Immediately Took The Liberty of EDITING MY Requests BY Providing a SUMMARY & a REASON To HOPEFULLY HELP Y'all UNDERSTAND The GAMES That I'VE Requested.
Also, I believe that you shouldn't post requests in a request compilation thread, but start a new thread. Speaking of which, I'd like those requests on my hueg request compilation 1.11 deleted.
great Idea I agree with you ,Johtto:)
I'll quit requesting by 2021 because 50 years of video games is enough!
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