NiBiRu Age of Secrets on PC

Last updated on 9 years ago
Hello. Today I will start recording NiBiRu Age of Secrets.

Maybe some of you noticed that this game is already in videos (in czech language), it was done by me too, but this one will be in english so you can understand what is going on there.
This game is listed in videos under name "NiBiRu Messenger of the gods".

This game was made by Czech peoples and in original this games name is "Ni.Bi.Ru. Posel bohu", so "Messenger of the gods" is just translated name.
This game was later translated and re-voiced to english and was released under name "NiBiRu Age of Secrets".
Thats why I named this one Age of Secrets and the other one Messenger of the gods.

About the game :

Nibiru: Age of Secrets is a 2005 adventure game developed by Future Games and published by The Adventure Company.
The game features around 80 locations, 5 chapters to play in, 3D character animations, 35 NPC characters, over 50 pages of dialogues, atmospheric visual effects and scenic music.


During the construction of a new highway bypass, workers discover an entrance to an old tunnel. After they enter the tunnel, they find out that it was probably a German tunnel intentionally backfilled at the end of World War II. They contact an employee of the Western Bohemian Museum who then informs the superior body in Prague about their findings. The news about the discovery is published by the regional press the next day and there is tremendous buzz in the archeology community of the new find.

Martin Holan, a linguistics and archeology student is contacted by his uncle to examine the mysterious World War II tunnel. A friend of Martin?s uncle is supposed to meet Martin upon his arrival to brief him on the mysterious discovery; however, when he arrives in Prague he discovers that she has been brutally murdered.

And the Adventure Begins?


This might be declined unless something can be sorted. Some how you have ended up with fraps running in the video sequence at 4h34min. Hopefully you still have video source files and game save to re record that bit and put together. There may be other video sequences I haven't found in the video to check .
Ye, those are pre-rendered cutscenes which just are, sadly, recorded with FPS counter when you recording game with fraps. For some reason it is there, but once that cutscene end, it is without it again.
It is showing there even when you set in fraps to not show FPS in output video. Re-recording would solve nothing, unless you record it with other program. I was uploading same game here but with different language and it was same and video was accepted.

You can find it at:

4:33:24 (final cutscene)

Everything are pre-rendered cutscenes.
Well if you still have the source files *which you should have!) Some fansy editing could be done to cut out the black areas where fraps is appearing.

You will probably need to break it up into parts Game / cut scenes. Crop the black borders on the cut scenes then re add the borders so that the resolution matches up again with the game parts. Then merge them back together before encoding again. WIN!

At no point can it be allowed to be ok to have errors like that when its avoidable.
Workin' on it! ;)

Nearly encoded. Just need to upload it.
You won't know it 'till you try it.
you can try to use dxtory, its a good program and i never had those problems
Ye, thanks. Maybe I'll use it sometime :)

Uploaded, btw.


Longplay was declined withj :

Needs cropping and SFV failed

Where it needs cropping and are you sure you used SFV file that have same name like video ? Because I was uploading there 2 was with FPS counter in the custscenes and the other one was named FIXED ONE, because that FPS counter was edited out. I'm 100% sure I tried the SFV before uploading and it was ok.
Video looks same like screenshot in one of my previous comments. If you mean cropping these black edges up and down then it have to be there because the lower one is like inventory, when you mouse over there it shows items and the uppoer edge shows names od items in your inventory and names of hotspots.
You won't know it 'till you try it.
Well it seemed that somebody else was uploading it to the archive when I was checking through it, I don't know which file they used but when I checked the SFV of the one that had FIXED ONE in it the sfv came back failed. but somebody else had put the video up anyway, i realized that it didnt need cropping after i did check the thumbnail though
If I can't be the best then I certainly won't be the worst.
I uploaded it. The .sfv file worked.
Yep. I created new SFV and re-uploaded the video and re-submitted. Schlauchi told me to add text file saying that these borders are actually part of the game.

I see its in latest releases, so I deleted submission for it. Thanks for re-checking :)
You won't know it 'till you try it.
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