MadMatty wrote:
The ability of the later PSP models to output component video was a great idea, well ahead of its time ;)
Using a utility such as RemoteJoy + fraps is potentially much better quality, but can be very annoying to setup and get going but it is the only solution on my old psp 1000.
It took a few hours, but I managed to get RemoteJoy going on my PSP 3006. I did some quality comparsions.
And here it is :
"testrecentral.mkv" was recorded wtih LGX capture device using recentral 2 (as I did my LP on daxter) and encoded using megui with settings that I use for every my LP.
"testfraps.mkv" was recorded right from RemoteJoy using fraps and encoded with the same settings as previous one.
"testfrapsSOURCE.avi" is the source video file straight from fraps itself.
Take a look by yourself and say hiw big are differences. But I think I'll record my next LP on PSP using remotejoy.
You won't know it 'till you try it.