Super A'Can games requests

Last updated on 8 years ago
Well, I decided to submit this request since I don't think anyone's done longplays the games from a rare obscure Taiwanese system called the Super A'can.

These are the 12 games that are confirmed to exist for the system:

1. African Adventures (Monopoly: Adventure in Africa, Fēizhōu T?nxiǎn, 非洲探險大富翁)
2. C.U.G. (Journey to the Laugh, Xī Y?uj?, 嘻遊記)
3. Formosa Duel (F? Ěr M? Shā D? Du?ju?, 福爾摩沙大對決)
4. Sango Fighter (Sāngu?zh? Wǔji?ng Zhēngb?, 武將爭霸, 三國志) (Articles: ,
5. The Son of Evil (Xi?'? Zhīzǐ, 邪惡之子)
6. Speedy Dragon (Sonic Dragon, Yīns? Fēil?ng, 音速飛龍)
7. Super Taiwanese Baseball League (Chāoj? Zhōnghu? Zh? B?ng Li?nm?ng, 超級中華職棒聯盟)
8. Boom Zoo (Explosive Burst Zoo, B?o B?o D?ngw?yu?n, 爆爆動物園)
9. Gambling Lord (Dǔ B?, 賭霸)
10. REBEL (Rebel Star, P?n Xīng, 叛星)
11. Super Dragon Force (Super Light Saga: Dragon Force, Chāoj? Guāngm?ng Zh?n Shǐ, 超級光明戰史)
12. Magical Pool (M? B?ng Zhu?ngqi?, 魔棒撞球)

Now do keep in mind that not all the games are dumped and some carts are even rarer to come by more than others, so I'd just recommend playing what is dumped on roms and online.
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