Can OBS be used for PC recordings?

Last updated on 9 years ago
I speed run a PC game called Axiom Verge. I found your youtube channel the other day, and I would like to submit a longplay for Axiom. I have been recording my runs in OBS. In your thread about which emulators to use, you suggest fraps or dxtory for capturing PC games. Is there a reason OBS cannot be used?
I've been capturing my runs in 1080p with very little artifacting in my recordings. I only notice it if I'm actively looking for it. The frame rate can be a little jittery in places, but for the most part is a solid 30. If you would like I can link you one of my recordings so you can watch a minute or so and decide if the settings I use will suffice. Or if not I can learn to use one of these other softwares.
Thank you!
i think no because OBS cannot record in AVI
OBS outputs in MP4 format, which is already compressed. Standard format for longplays require footage that is uncompressed, which AVI is generally known for. This will demand a lot of storage space (for me, with Lagarith Lossless, 200gb for about an hour of 60 fps 720p footage), which is actually pretty generous compared to Hollywood toys.

Until someone designs an amazing codec for digital recording software, a program that can output AVI, such as Fraps and dxtory, is the way to go, as much as I love OBS too :(
when recording PC games you must record in lossless as much as possible, for a game like Axiom verge we would suggest recording it in 720p and at whatever the framerate is of the game, if the game normally runs at 60 fps then it must be recorded at a constant 60 fps with no drops in framerate. it doesnt matter if it is in mp4 or avi on the output but as long as the codec used to record is lossless then it would be accepted, but you say that you get dips in framerate which would not be accepted
If I can't be the best then I certainly won't be the worst.
Thanks for the answers, everybody. Looks like I have a lot to learn about recording/encoding. I will definitely look into one of these avi recorders then. Thanks again!


Spazbo4 wrote:

when recording PC games you must record in lossless as much as possible, for a game like Axiom verge we would suggest recording it in 720p and at whatever the framerate is of the game, if the game normally runs at 60 fps then it must be recorded at a constant 60 fps with no drops in framerate. it doesnt matter if it is in mp4 or avi on the output but as long as the codec used to record is lossless then it would be accepted, but you say that you get dips in framerate which would not be accepted

Schlauchi has stated previously to me before. The game must be recorded at its highest resolution. If the game can go to 1080p then record at 1080p.
thats not true, schlauchi always says naitive resolution, just because it can go at 1080p doesnt mean that the game was meant for that
If I can't be the best then I certainly won't be the worst.
480 x 270 is the apparent resolution according to the dev for Axiom.


Even better your video will take up less.
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