Montys Longplay in the making

Last updated on 16 years ago

I made the first five MegaMan games and will recompress them for

I`ve records from Turtles 1+2, Gradius, Life Force, Super mario Bros, Contra 1+2 too and will upload them if they are ready.
:idea: How about Super Mario World? legend of Zelda a link to the past? :idea:
Maybe some other make this games. I was never a big fan from the Zelda games. Super Mario World would be interesting but first I would made the first three parts in the case I found the time. But don`t count with this.
Super Mario World has been done, just not on the site. Along with quite a few games. They'll be on when the new site is running.
:hammer:Ah, great, can't wait for the new site then :d :hammer:
Monty when are the megaman games coming up? ive been excited about this for while now. i even made request about megaman x games from megaman x2 till x6. maybe interested doing any of these? 100% run ofcourse with everything collected to each charcter
At the moment I sit on MegaMan 6 for the NES version. The first 5 parts are ready but Schlauchi want release all 6 parts at the same time. At the moment I am a bit to busy but I think the complete NES series is ready end september.

But I made the first three parts as a DivX file yet. You can download the video here,
If you like the video you It were cool when you vote for that video. :D

If you want to see the mp4 version you have to wait till End september. I think I am ready with part 6 then.

Cheers :)
It will be something to look forward to then... Should be nice to have all 6 videos at the same time, and be able to look at them one after another :-D
Nice runs Monty!
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