Usage of footage

Last updated on 7 years ago
Hey there!

In general the usage of footage from is allowed as long as I credit:

- the website
- the youtube channel
- the longplayer(s) who created the footage

in the video itself and the description, right?

But just to be on the safe site, I will ask again: I want to create videos showing all bosses of a certain game and I want to use your footage for that, are you okay with that?
Am I allowed to monetize these videos?
And are you using any Creative Commons licence like Youtube is offering? (

Thanks, have a nice day!:)
You can use mine longplays, if you want :)

Longplayers should give you their permission to use their footage btw.
You won't know it 'till you try it.
While we dont have any licence like Creative Commons, you can pretty much use the footage in the same way!
Yes you can monetize it - the only thing we dont want is people just reuploading our videos. If you use parts and make your own thing with it - thats perfectly fine :)

If you want an example of how to do it in a perfect way, check this IGN video:
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