A Long Overdue Greetings

Last updated on 6 years ago
Hello, I'm DiggerandIndy, and even though I've actually been here awhile, I've never did a proper greeting. I'm in the mood to make some longplays (somebody's gotta preserve those games!), so any help is appreciated. Does anybody know how to start? I've seen some FAQs, but I just need an update. Thanks!
Well, we're open to helping you out on our IRC channel for an updated version. :)
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me. ~The Overmind, StarCraft


Frederikct112 wrote:

Well, we're open to helping you out on our IRC channel for an updated version. :)

Thanks! So where exactly do I start?
Just click the Chat button on the top of the page, enter your nickname and wait till someone answeres :)


ScHlAuChi wrote:

Just click the Chat button on the top of the page, enter your nickname and wait till someone answeres :)

OK, Thanks!
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