Surgical Strike

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Mega-CD / Sega-CD
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 17/09/2011
YouTube Release: 31/12/2028
Duration: 00:23:23
File Size: 250.11 MB (256109.27 KB)
Downloads: 834 downloads
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Player's Review

Unfotunate audio issues in cutscenes due to lack of compatability in Gens-rr emu.

Game is quite short, but it has taken me a long while to get through it. Have to get used to not mashing fire buttons as it will fire the guns/rockets even if not locked onto anything (wasting ammo).

Hint1, make sure some gun ammo is saved for the boss rooms of each level as if you have run out, may as well restart. Rockets will blow the baddy and everyone else up Wink

Hint2, on level 1 when going to the enemy stringhold, you need to go back to the start area and go in that way. So many times I went to the back as it was easy to get to from last missile silo and ...well it cant be done that way Wink

Bonus video:
Have taked on alternate endings/fail/death vids to the end of the video and used kega to re-record levels 1 and 2 on Normal difficulty which fixes the audio sync issue in level1 end cut scene.
level 3 I had to redo in gens as damn game only allows this level on hard so wouldnt normaly see any ending on normal difficulty.

Bonus Video:-
22:15 Alternate deaths for game ending.

22:50 Vids shown when loosing all lives (before a continue)

24:14 Game over failing 1st mission

24:52 Game over failing 2nd mission

25:15 Lives lost and eventual game over durring 3rd mission.