Mary Shelleys Frankenstein

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Mega-CD / Sega-CD
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 26/02/2014
YouTube Release: 31/12/2028
Duration: 01:03:35
File Size: 198.07 MB (202820.00 KB)
Downloads: 609 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Frankenstein in the form of an action adventure game on the Mega-CD. The Genesis and Snes versions are side scrolling platform beatemup style games.

The Intro is quite long and drawn out so will be a few minutes before gameplay starts. As an adventure game, its fairly simple and works quite well. Not too many objects to find and only a few screens to work with per chapter. I avoid the fighting sections where I can and show the use of found items.

The fighting sections can be annoying and this is where the lives/lifebar aspect comes in, although there are a few hazards to watch out for in when exploring like acid and spiders......actually I think they may have been the only hazards. Only a few moves in fighting mode but the obvious special move is the running head butt. I can make short work of the opponent with this move when I can pull it off right. The game could have probably done without these fighting sections though.