Mega Man 3


Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 02/11/2021
YouTube Release: 14/05/2024
Duration: 01:01:59
File Size: 189.61 MB (194165.21 KB)
Downloads: 304 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The third title in the series.

Plot: 'The mad scientist Dr. Wily, having twice had plans for world domination dashed, claims to have reformed and begins work with Dr. Light on a project to build a peace-keeping robot named "Gamma". Robot Masters in charge of a set of "mining worlds", however, go berserk and make off with Gamma's eight power crystals. Mega Man is called into action, this time with a canine companion named Rush, to retrieve the crystals from the sites. Throughout his mission, the protagonist continuously encounters and spars with Break Man, a masked foe who has abilities comparable to Mega Man's own.'

This longplay replaces the old video since it had bad quality overall.

0:00:00 - Start
0:01:00 - Magnet Man
0:04:17 - Hard Man
0:07:37 - Top Man
0:10:45 - Shadow Man
0:13:28 - Spark Man
0:16:06 - Snake Man
0:19:57 - Gemini Man
0:25:18 - Needle Man
0:27:53 - Dark Robot Masters 1
0:32:32 - Dark Robot Masters 2
0:36:55 - Dark Robot Masters 3
0:40:10 - Dark Robot Masters 4
0:43:06 - Break Man
0:43:58 - Dr. Wily Stage 1
0:46:48 - Dr. Wily Stage 2
0:49:05 - Dr. Wily Stage 3
0:51:24 - Dr. Wily Stage 4
0:55:41 - Dr. Wily Stage 5
0:57:04 - Dr. Wily Stage 6
0:58:24 - Ending & Credits