Gargoyle's Quest II

Longplay Information

System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 29/08/2012
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 01:15:41
File Size: 140.67 MB (144048.00 KB)
Downloads: 829 downloads
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Player's Review

Gargoyle's Quest II (Red Arremer II), is an NES video game released by Capcom in October 1992. Despite being the second game in the Gargoyle's Quest series (part of the larger Ghosts'n Goblins franchise), it is actually the prequel to the first game, and features a similar gameplay style, which combined role-playing video game elements with side scrolling action.

This game is more frustrating than hard, it's actually the prequel to the Game Boy Gargoyle Quest although I prefer that game to this one... speaking of Capcom stuff, I'm nearly done with Megaman X5... it'll be up soon I know it's a must request from all of you guys Grin