Tormented Souls

NOTE: The YouTube version has been censored. Please watch the version for full experience.

Longplay Information

Author(s): Spazbo4Spazbo4
System: Windows
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 01/10/2021
YouTube Release: 22/10/2022
Duration: 04:04:30
File Size: 26969.41 MB (27616673.28 KB)
Downloads: 116 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

A decent game meant to be a throwback to classic Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark games. I feel like it has more similarity to Silent Hill games with how the puzzles and environments are and even the story seems to take a lot of points from Silent Hill 3. There are some parts in this game that I feel make no sense on how somebody is supposed to figure out on their own so I used a guide for the puzzles.

This longplay shows all 3 endings for the game starting with the worst going to the best.
3:35:32 - remorse ending
3:42:34 - forgetfulness ending
3:57:42 - adoption ending

0:00:00 - Game Start