Star Wars: Dark Forces

Star Wars - Dark Forces, original game developed and published by LucasArts. Playstation conversion by Bigbang Software in 1996.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 14/11/2021
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 04:14:17
File Size: 2317.24 MB (2372856.00 KB)
Downloads: 149 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"Experience first-person firepower in the Star Wars universe. Behind the veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army - one that, if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and domination. Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire, then battle every man and machine the Imperial forces can muster. Search a vast galaxy for clues, attack enemy bases - all in a desperate attempt to stop the activation of this fearsome new weapon."

Take control of Kyle Katarn, formerly an Imperial trooper now a mercenary for hire, on a mission to lay waste to any Imperial soldiers that stand in his way. A one man Imperial exterminator. This is one of the first Doom inspired first person games with a Story theme attached and in this case, based in the Star Wars universe.

Three are 14 missions to play through with a password or save offered after each. You do get a limited amount of lives but there are usually one or two to be found in each level. The game also has a good checkpoint system so you shouldn't have to travel far upon revival. Some levels can be quite long and may require a little puzzle solving. Maybe finding a switch or series of switches to open specific doors and walls. Sometimes a particular officer will need to be tracked down and killed for their keys.

There is a large assortment of weapons with particular use cases Although the Imperial Blaster can pretty much carry the game until the Dark trooper battles and the rebel blaster you start with being mostly useless. The heavier weapons do great damage but ammo can be few and far between so I mostly save these for the dark Troopers. Also note that they can deal great damage to you if you are close to the blast. This can be annoying with the thermal detonators as well, but they are handy for doing good group damage.

As much as I enjoy the game, the maze like levels can lead to some frustration. There is also a fair amount of run and jumping involved which can also cause problems when you fall into a pit of mines or enemies and may have a long walk to get back to where you were for another attempt. In the case of the Playstation version shown here, the controls can also get you killed as just the simple act of turning can give forward momentum and send you over the edge. Crouch jumping is also a pin to pull of as crouch/jump uses the same button with a modifier. Oh and how can I forget mines. These can be difficult to see if you run into a room quickly as will deal a huge amount of damage. These appear far too often and lets not forget the gun turrets which can tare you down in seconds and you need to get in there face to shoot em down.

This longplay is played on Hard Mode and shows 100% secrets. It also shows why I don't like to record Hard Mode in FPS games as it just serves to drag the video out as you have more enemies to take out and also hold back in an effort to stay alive. The game doesn't point out when a secret is found nor offers any reward for finding them all. The Playstation version has a lower resolution than the original and the framerate can hit the low single digits which can become a real problem when the shooting starts.

00:00:00 Intro/Titles
00:02:40 The Death Star Plans - Operation Skyhook: Part II
00:12:15 Talay: Tak Base, After The Massacre
00:31:05 Anoat City - The Subterranean Hideout
00:49:10 The Planet Fest: Imperial Weapons Research Facility
01:09:52 Gromas Mines - The Blood Moon
01:25:08 Imperial Detention Center, Orinackra: Crix Madine's Fate
01:48:55 Ramsees Hed Docking Port, Cal-Seti - Deadly Cargo
02:05:15 Robotics Construction Facility, Anteevy - Ice Station Beta
02:17:30 Nar Shaddaa, the Vertical City: The Death Mark
02:35:55 Jabba the Hutt's ship: Jabba's Revenge
02:58:40 Imperial City, Coruscant - The Imperial Mask
03:18:30 Imperial Fuel Station, Ergo - Smuggler's Hijack
03:31:20 The Executor - The Stowaway
03:44:05 The Arc Hammer - The Dark Awakening