Road Rash 3D

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 01/03/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 04:00:41
File Size: 7100.76 MB (7271180.00 KB)
Downloads: 635 downloads
File Links: Download Part: 1
Download Part: 2


Player's Review

PlayStation sequel to PS1/3DO Road Rash and before Jailbrake and Road Rash 64.

The game uses a wider resolution than what was commonly used on the playstation and this seems to have had a negative impact on the framerate which is something like 15fps and does feel of putting at times when trying to take tight/fast corners.

The problems with this game I find are right from the start with the videos. Here the fmv is all very disjointed and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Its like a load of different bike clips have been taken and simply joined together with some music thrown over the top. The Combat gameplay road rash is known for seems to be missing here. You hardly ever get the opportunity to attack another rider as you just ride right past them as soon as you approach and no matter how much you try to hit a rider, it rarely connects. try as I might, I just cant take the cops baton Wink

The whole state in which you ride around is constantly streaming from the cd. The races you take part in a point to point races all in the same state. You can take wrong turning and go off on another part of the track if you want, although you would likely lose the race unless by some chance you can take another fork and re-join the track you are supposed to be on.

Its quite a long and tedious game when played in one sitting. Money is easier to come by than previous road rash games, and in hindsight, I could have shown off more bikes than I have since I have more then double the amount needed for the most expensive bike by the end of the game. By the time you get to the final race, which is a 20 minute ride around the whole state! you get to choose which bike you want completely free.


00:00:00 Intro + level 1
00:38:28 Level 2

Part 2:
00:00:00 Level 3
01:35:25 Final Race
01:59:45 Couple of videos you might see when you are 'Busted' by the cops.