Space Debris

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 20/01/2016
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 01:33:35
File Size: 1359.95 MB (1392590.85 KB)
Downloads: 312 downloads
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Player's Review

This game is released only in Europe in 2000.

It is nice looking, the graphics and music are quite decent for a game of its kind for that time on the PS.

I Played the easy mode, because I found normal to be too hard. It wasn't easy on easy either. I didn't realized that the secondary weapon is so powerful at first so i didn't used it until the sixth level. I found it hard to acquire also. In fact you can't beat this game without it. Anyway, re-recording helped a whole lot so there. I know, it could've been played better, sorry.